Together Events
Dances, Holiday Parties, Karaoke, Art Afternoons, Movie Nights, Talent Shows, Community Service Projects, Picnic BBQ’s: these gatherings and so many more are what Together is all about. We plan these events with teens and adults with IDD and their families and caregivers in mind, and everyone is welcome! Together events build authentic community and lasting friendships.
Upcoming Together Events
Music Therapy and Halloween Party
Wednesday October 30th 6:-8:pm
St. Peter's UCC
915 N Ironwood, South Bend, IN
We'll make music, we'll eat snacks, we'll dance....wear your favorite costume!
The Gratitude Games
Saturday November 16th 6-8pm
Hope Community Church
2390 Lake St, Niles Michigan
Come join us for dinner and for games and activities that will help us to remember to be thankful.
Christmas Around the World
Wednesday December 18 6-8pm
St. Peter's UCC
915 N Ironwood, South Bend, IN
Learn about Christmas traditions in other countries, eat fun snacks, "shop" for Christmas gifts. Bring cookies for the cookie exchange!