Since 1997, Luvability Ministries has been providing opportunities for Christian worship, community and service to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families and caregivers.
We believe that Individuals with IDD and their families and caregivers are beloved of God, equally part of the Body of Christ and deserving of opportunities of worship, fellowship and support in their spiritual journey.
We believe that Individuals with IDD and their families and caregivers deserve to receive God’s Word in ways they can understand. and in a community that is safe, accommodating and inclusive.
We are called to facilitate inclusive, safe and meaningful opportunities in Christian community, designed specifically for those with IDD and their families and caregivers.
We are called to be an ecumenical Christian organization, striving to work with the diverse Body of Christ to bring equality of spiritual services to those with IDD and those who care fo them.
We welcome everyone, regardless of ability, to a shared worship and fellowship experience at all services and programs.
We partner with local and national disability organizations who advocate for individuals with IDD to have equality of spiritual services and care so all may be welcome, safe and thrive in their spiritual journey.
We invite donor partners to join us in ministry by supporting this essential work! We are a 501(c)(3), EIN 38-3527306, and donations are tax-deductible.
For more information about partnering with us through volunteering, donating or advocacy, please contact us with the form below.